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Found 1,411 jobs
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (1457) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (1316) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol
Account Manager II
The Account Manager is responsible for interacting with customers on an executive level and acting as an extension of the client; understanding and co
Transportation Business Development Manager - Commercial Auto
ABOUT THE ROLE Cutting-edge Managing General Agency (MGA) specializing in commercial trucking insurance. Committed to innovation, offering technolo...
Voluntary Benefits Sr. Sales Executive - Broker Channel (Tampa)
At Allstate, great things happen when our people work together to protect families and their belongings from lifes uncertainties. And for more than 90
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (1164) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (2451) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (2869) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (2596) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (2870) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (2485) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (1446) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (2837) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (1025) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (2536) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (2774) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (1178) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (2932) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (1438) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol
Direct Sales Agent Specialist (1015) - Direct Auto
National General is a part of The Allstate Corporation, which means we have the same innovative drive that keeps us a step ahead of our customers evol